Thursday, April 30, 2015

El transporte

Transportation-we've been talking carros, bicicletas, barcos, trenes y motos. We've been putting together silly sentences about going to the moon on a bicycle, the park in a rocket ship and back home in a boat!  Here are the links to the songs we've been singing in class.

Había un barco chiquitito (clic the link for video)

En el auto de papa (this one is short and mainly plays the chorus which is what we've learned in class)

And here is a fuller version  (with all the stops, tunnels, curves & potholes)

Here are the lyrics and translation of the chorus

En el auto de papa                En Daddy's car
nos iremos a pasear.             We will go for a ride
Vamos de paseo pipipi         We go for a ride  beep, beep, beep,
en un auto feo                       In an ugly car
pero no me importa              But I don't care
porque llevo torta                 Because I  have cake

Las ruedas del autobús (The wheels on the bus...)