Counting out rhymes (to decide who is IT or not IT) like eeny meeny miney mo
We start off class with these to determine the order of our clapping game.
El cielo es azul. The sky is blue
¿Cuánto años tienes tú? How old are you?
Manzana, manzana, Apple, apple
manzana podrida Rotten apple
uno, dos, tres, salida one, two, three, out!
Cinco ratoncitos Five little mice
de colita gris with grey tails
muevan las orejas move their ears
muevan la nariz move their nose
uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco one, two, three, four, five
corren al rincon they run to the corner
Porque viene el gato Because the cat comes
a comer ratón. to eat the mice.
Clapping games
(clic links to see videos)
Por aquí pasó un caballo A horse passed by here
con las patas al revés With backwards legs
si me dices cuántas tiene If you ask me how many he had
te diré que dieciseís I would tell you sixteen
uno, dos, tres, etc. One, two, three, etc.
More Games (here are the explanations to a few of the games we are playing in class)
(This is similar to London Bridges & is very popular so far)
A la víbora, víbora The snake, the snake
de la mar, de la mar Of the sea, of the sea
por aquí pueden pasar. You can all pass through here
Los de adelante corren mucho, Those in front will run so much
y los de atrás se quedarán And those behind will stay
Tras, tras, tras, Stay, stay, stay, (and get caught)