Thursday, February 6, 2014

Quiero... I want ...

Today we introduced a list of action verbs that come from the book "La araña muy ocupada"  by Eric Carle (The very busy spider).  If you've read the book in English, you remember that different animals ask the spider if he wants to do different activities with him but the spider always refuses with "No quiero..."  (I don't want to)  The following is the list of verbs that we'll continue to work with next week...

¿Quieres...?  Do you want to...?

  • correr-to run
  • saltar-to jump
  • dormir-to sleep
  • comer-to eat
  • nadar-to swim
  • jugar-play (pronounced hugar or who gar) (the j makes an h sound)
  • ir de paseo-go for a walk
  • volar-to fly (that one doesn't happen in the book but since it seems to be every kids favorite verb in our ending song...)
We also started to learn the itsy bits spider,  "La araña pequeñita"

Los colores del arcoiris (Colors of the rainbow)

Each class I try to focus on one communication concept paired with a set of vocabulary.  This week, I used "Necesito" or "I need..." and then asked the kids to bring me that color or find that color to fill in their "arcoiris"


Here are some fun links to practice colors at home:
  • A catchy tune with lots of visuals, Colores
  • This one requires some mouse clicking, Color quiz

And some to review numbers 1-10: