A typical lesson

The methodology

During my classes we speak Spanish from the moment we get started. Although we are completely immersed in the new language, I use simplified sentences, lots of repetition, games, songs, visuals and movement to help students memorize. Each class we are learning a basic communication structure and some vocabulary to go with it. For example, during a food unit study, we may learn a set of 6 food vocabulary words along with the structures Me gusta/No me gusta (I like/I don't like).

Class Outline

This is what you might expect in a 60 minute lesson. Classes are tailored to individual learning styles, age and interest.

Introduction: Greetings, opening questions & review past vocabulary 10 minutes
New Vocabulary: Introduction & repetition, Where is the _________? Vocabulary game, Speaking activity 20 minutes
Song: Songs are used for a fun active break, for listening comprehension or to practice new structures. 10 minutes
Reading & Writing: Readers, vocabulary worksheet, grammar practice, matching 10 minutes
Closing: Numbers, review questions, closing game and questions

The name

¡PURA VIDA!  I spent a semester in the beautiful country of Costa Rica: the loving people, the peaceful government and 25% of it's land and wildlife protected in national parks make it a favorite for me AND the people walk around greeting each other with "pura vida" (pure life or life is good). It had to be the name of a happy little Spanish school taught by a nature-loving teacher.

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