Thursday, January 16, 2014

Los diez perritos (The ten puppies)

Again, what fun, smart kids & parents we have in Spanish class.  If the kids didn't know them already, each of them nearly has numbers 1-10 down.

Each week I pair a key phrase with a set of vocabulary.  We've been working on numbers the past few weeks paired with the phrase, "¿Cuántos hay? (kwantos eye)  which means  "How many are there?"  It is an easy phrase to practice at home & get your kiddos practicing their numbers.

We practiced with the book and song.  "Los diez perritos" or "The ten puppies."  This is a traditional rhyme/song that is very popular and has many, many versions.  It starts off by saying "Yo tenía diez perritos" (I had 10 puppies) but each verse we lose a puppy to some kind of distraction and you hear the phrase, "De los nueve (ocho, siete, seis, cinco, etc) que quedaban."  (Of the nine that were left…)

If you put the title in youtube or iTunes you'll get several versions but here is one of them. Los diez perritos

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